Prof. J. Albino Aguiar, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Prof. A.G Bustamante Dominguez, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru
Prof. I. Gonzaga de Oliveira, Universidad Federal Rural de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Prof. D. Landinez Tellez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.
Prof. J. Roa Rojas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.
Prof. Arturo I. Martínez Enríquez, CINVESTAV, México.
Prof. Felipe Mondaca, Universidad San Sebastián, Puerto Montt, Chile.
Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo Zulia, Venezuela.
University of Cambridge (UK).
Dr. Alexander Hernandez-Nieves.
Bariloche Atomic Center, Argentina.
Prof. Mario Reis.
Fluminense Federal University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mg. Ximena Velásquez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Lic. Vanessa Parra
Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
James Godoy Chepe
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú.
Rodolfo Ccolque Rojas
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú.
Prof. Luis De Los Santos Valladares
General Secretary of LAFMAT. He is a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge (UK). Awarded as one of the 100 Talents for the Northeastern University, China (2018-2021). Past Post-Doc positions at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (2011) and University of Pernambuco (2012). Specialist in the preparation, characterization and applications of functional materials, oxidation of metal surfaces and magnetic properties of oxides. More than fifty research articles, peer reviewer in many journals, invited speaker at many conferences worldwide. Editor at Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (Taylor & Francis). Reviewer of projects for the Czech Republic Science Foundation and CONACYT (Mexico). Organizer of five international conferences. Within the last three years has attracted more than 10 M US dollars from different agencies to do research collaboration projects between the University of Cambridge and worldwide universities..
Prof. J. Albino Aguiar
Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq – Nível 1D
Bachelor’s at FISICA from Departamento de Física (1978), Master’s at Physic fromDepartamento de Física (1979) and Doctorate at Physic from Departamento de Física (1986).Pos-Doctoral studies at Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium der Rijksuniversiteit te Laieden- TheNederland (1986-1988). Has experience in Physic, focusing on Solids Structure; crystallography,acting on the following subjects: high-tc superconductivity, magnetization and transportmeasurements, superconductivity, nanostructured superconductors and vortex configuration ,vortex dynamics and pinning mechanisms in mesoscopic superconductors, magneticnanoparticles for nanomedicine diagnosis, thin films and multilayer superconductors, graphyteand graphene.
Prof. I. Gonzaga de Oliveira
Graduated in Physics from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1988), Master in Physics (1992) and Doctor in Physics (1996) from the Brazilian Center for Physics Research. He did postdoctoral work at the University of Manchester (1997/1998). He is currently Associate Professor at the Physics Department at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. He has experience in the field of condensed matter physics, with an emphasis on superconductivity, magnetic properties, and phenomenological theories of superconductivity.
Prof. Jairo Roa Rojas
Prof. Jairo Roa Rojas currently works at the Physics of Novel Materials Group, Department of Physics (Bogotá), National University of Colombia. J. Roa-Rojas does research in Materials Science, Solid State Physics and Condensed Matter Physics. Their current project is ‘Magnetic, spintronics, ferroelectric and multiferroic perovskite-like materials’.
Prof. Angel G. Bustamante Domínguez
Profesor Principal adscrito al Departamento Académico de Física del Estado Solido de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos e investigador REGINA. Sus estudios de maestría, doctorado y postdoctorado las realizo en el Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. También realizo pasantías de investigación en el Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japón; en el Instituto de los Materiales en Montelibreti, Roma, Italia. Su área principal en la Física es la Materia Condensada en la línea de la Superconductividad, oxidos de hierro y además cultiva trabajos multidisciplinario en arqueometría y sedimentos marinos y lacustres. Utiliza la espectroscopíaMössbauer para el estudio de los óxidos, hidróxidos, ferritas y hexaferritas en “bulk” y en nanomateriales. Su producción científica es vasta y variada con alrededor de 100 publicaciones listadas en la base de datos SCOPUS. A realizado muchas asesorías de tesis en el nivel de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado.
Prof. Felipe Mondaca
Assistant professor at San Sebastián University’s Faculty of Engineering in Puerto Montt, Chile. Bachelor’s and master’s at Physic from Catolica del Norte University in Chile and Doctorate at Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from Centro de Investigación y estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV), Mexico. He has experience in the field of condensed matter physics, with an emphasis on ferromagnetic, transparent conducting, and catalytic materials for solar energy and water purification applications..
Dr. Alexander Hernandez-Nieves
He received his Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Havana in 1997 and his Master’s degree in Physics in 1999. Subsequently, he completed his Ph.D. in Physics at the Balseiro Institute in Argentina thanks to a scholarship from the Latin American Physics Center (CLAF). He finished his doctorate in 2004. Subsequently, he carried out postdoctoral studies at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy and at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Since 2009, he has been a CONICET researcher with a workplace at the Bariloche Atomic Center and since 2013 a teacher at the Balseiro Institute in Bariloche, which belongs to the National University of Cuyo. Initially, he carried out research on the formation of magnetic flux patterns in superconductors and since 2005 his main research line has been the electronic and magnetic properties of new materials using first-principles calculations using Density Functional Theory (DFT).
Prof. Mario Reis
Mario Reis is an Associate Professor at the Fluminense Federal University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he leads a research group comprised of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Prof. Reis received his PhD in 2003, from the Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (Rio de Janeiro) and the University of Aveiro (Portugal), focusing on both the experimental and theoretical aspects of Condensed Matter Physics. He completed his Master’s degree in 2000 at CBPF and his undergraduate degree in 1998 at UFRJ, both in Physics. In 2002, Prof. Reis stayed at Seville University, Spain, as a Distinguished Researcher; and he has also undertaken some short-term academic visits in other countries, including Portugal and Chile. Currently, his research explores quantum and classical caloric effects, molecular magnets, quantum information in magnetic materials, and nanomagnetism. Prof. Reis keeps a regular international scientific cooperation with several international universities, including countries such as Chile, EUA, Russia, China, Spain, Portugal and Brazil. His contributions to the field include: two books on Magnetism and over a hundred articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Additionally, he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Physica B: Condensed Matter, an international Journal published by Elsevier.